Have you ever wanted to make movies? Well now is your chance. Create and upload an original video to YouTube and attend our Libraries Together Cast Party. This year we have decided you or your team can choose your own theme. Below is a list of examples we thought up, but feel free to make the movie you want to make!
· Live action video games, such as a reenactment of an epic Minecraft session.
· Infomercials for your favorite book, library program, or fictional product.
· A flashmob.
· Incorporate Skype or twitter interview with your favorite author.
· Reinterpret classic literature with a healthy dose of teen angst.
Who can create a video? Quad-city Teens ages 12-19. Work alone or with friends. Be spontaneous or be scripted. Keep it fun and library appropriate. Upload the video to YouTube and return this form with the URL or email it to your librarian. Then come to our Cast Party held after-hours at Bettendorf Public Library.
Need a video camera? Call your local library or school to see if a camera is available for use and if they have Windows Movie Maker or iMovie editing programs. You can always use your cell phone or digital camera video modes.
Need to edit? Before or after you have created your video, you can visit your local library to use the editing software.
After the video is edited, please create an account at YouTube so you can upload it. All videos are subject to the YouTube terms of use found at http://www.youtube.com/static?gl=US&template=terms
After uploading, please email or return the attached entry form to your library with the title of your video, its URL, your name(s), phone number.
Entries will be judged by area library staff. We will choose one video as the Library’s Choice and attendees at the Cast Party will choose one as the Viewer’s Choice. Both will win $100 cash. Other awards will be given to the makers of the most creative, entertaining, and best quality videos.
Entries due Saturday, February 25th
Participants and cast are invited to the After-Hours Cast Party and Screening where we will mingle, serve refreshments, and give awards. The Cast party will be at the Bettendorf Library on Friday March 23rd at 5:30 p.m. Please register at http://bit.ly/utubecast
jgillette@bettendorf.org, cvogt@davenportlibrary.com, scarlin@scottcountylibrary.org
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